Reasons for the proposed path from Ballencreiff Toll to Beecraigs via Cairnpapple

Here are some positive reasons we will be putting forward for having a path from Ballencreiff Toll to the Right of Way across Cairnpapple and on to Beecraigs,
Please let me know if you have anything to add..............
  • Walkers are currently using the road which is unsafe for walkers and drivers alike. A path would increase safety for all.
  • Increases access to outdoor activities for the residents of Bathgate and West Lothian - benefits on health & well being
  • Reduces the dependence on cars and reduce the amount of traffic on the C17 road + reduce some demand on the limited car parking at Beecraigs
  • Good for tourism / promotion of visitors to Bathgate - good for business.
  • Increase interest in History / archaeology of the local area (Cairnpapple - Historic Scotland)
  • Local residents of Ballencrieff Toll are supportive and would like to be able to access facilities near their homes without using their cars. 
  • Pedestrian access is currently available to the residents of Linlithgow to Beecraigs / Cairnpapple and should be equally available for residents of Bathgate
  • Access to Cairnpapple Hill is already in use for visitors to the Historic Scotland area.
  • Disturbance of cattle livestock could be managed by improved fences and signs as in other areas (Pentlands)
  • Would link up with other paths on the 'Core Path Plan'